Why you should play Tales from the Borderlands right now!

I haven’t had the opportunity to play Borderlands 3 as of yet but I’ve still had my daily doze of Borderlands through this point and click adventure game called Tales from the Borderlands and I’ve got to tell you – the kick this game gave me has been unlike any other game in the series.

Why should I bother with this Telltale game ?

Because you’re a Borderlands fan. This is definitely the best story you can get outta the Borderlands universe right now. You thought Handsome Jack’s tragic downfall was interesting ? Wait till you play this thing.


Nope, not a Borderlands fan. What is that shit anyway ? Still want me to play this ?

DEFINITELY. Everyone watches TV right ? This plays out just like a TV show, except YOU get to choose what the characters say and where the story heads through your choices. This TV show has equal parts action, drama and tragedy. But most of it is comedy. Like actual laugh out loud comedy. There’s also a slight hint of romance. What’s not to like ?



Right, so you have me interested. What’s this tv show/game all about ?

Finally! You play as a corporate employee Rhys and a con woman Fiona. Two likeable protagonists. They’re both teaming up with a bunch of even more likeable supporting characters to discover the secret of an alien vault on the dangerous planet Pandora.



Sounds cool. How long is this ?

There’s just one season with five episodes. Length of each episode varies from 90 minutes to two hours or so. Basically, it’s kinda like Sherlock. Each episode is like a film. They aren’t standalone though. Your choices will have consequences even in the next episode.

Tell me more about why I should play this. What are some of the highlights ?

Firstly, the story in this game is far superior to most video game stories. It’s quality entertainment at its very best. There’s so much humour that lands extremely well most of the time.

The journey does more than make you laugh. You feel excited whenever there’s a high risk action sequence going on. It’s also not devoid of emotional moments, but you have to wait until the last two episodes for them. I cried twice during this game.


The major highlight is definitely the well written story and characters. But the music and sound design is also top-notch! I still have a Spotify playlist made of all the intro songs in this game. The intros are really, really awesome!

What’s the gameplay like ?

It’s a point and click adventure so you’ve to watch long cutscenes where you get to choose the dialogues. These are interrupted by moments of quick-time events where you have to press a buttons quickly.



There is also some aiming and shooting. Sections where you walk your characters around while interacting with the environment are also aplenty. And that’s about the extent of what you have to do.

Mostly, it’s just sitting back and enjoying the film.

Now you’re definitely sugarcoating this game. There have to be some negatives too right ?

With every game there are always some negatives. This one’s no exception.

My major complaint with this game is regarding its gameplay. It sucks! The gameplay is way too basic. Reminds me of some really old games I used to play as a kid. Don’t expect any quality shooting or exploring around like Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto.

But the good thing is that the game is focused more on its story and characters. You don’t have to worry about the gameplay bumming the experience out. It is pretty underwhelming though, so don’t have any high expectations on that front.


Secondly, the game seems to have some pacing issues in the first two episodes. They start off with a bang and end with one too. But they get really slow and boring in the middle. This holds only for the first two episodes. The remaining three are extremely well paced and I binged through them.

I see. So, what’s the final verdict ?

The first two episodes took me a while to complete. Yes, they were boring. And that’s considering that I’m a Borderlands fan. But during the third episode, I was invested so much in these characters that I took a day off from work to complete the following two eps.

By the end, I laughed so much my stomach hurt, cried twice and had a playlist made of the game’s songs which was on loop for the next couple of days.

I couldn’t stop thinking about the characters and all the fun I had while playing this game. I would literally pay anything to have a sequel and see them again. I don’t remember why I’ve grown so attached to these characters, but it’s a solid testament to how real this game felt, even though it was on an alien planet.

Even thinking about this game makes me feel good.

And I can play this even if I’m not a gamer, right ?

If you’re a Borderlands fan, you shouldn’t even be reading this further to convince yourself. But there’s so much connectivity to the lore and a shit ton of cameos and references from the main games, it’s gonna be heaven for you.


For the ones new to the Borderlands universe or non-gamers, this is a perfect place to start. You’re getting such good quality entertainment here in this package, it’s unbelievable. This game checks out all the boxes. Drama, Thrills, Action, Emotion ? All check!

Don’t take my word for it. Heck, don’t take any gamer’s word for it. Look up this game on IMDB and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

I’m sold on the idea for sure! But I don’t have a gaming PC or a PS4 or whatever to play this. What do I do ?

Don’t worry, Telltale got you covered. Tales from the Borderlands is available on Windows, Mac OS X, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, iOS and Android!

And it’s not even an intensive graphics game. Meaning you can play it on most low-end PCs too! If it still doesn’t work, I’m sure you’ve got an Iphone or Android phone lying around. Check it out on the app store or play store.

Thanks! Forget re-watching HIMYM or binging the marvel movies for the billionth time, I’m hopping over to Pandora in Tales from the Borderlands!

Just what I wanted to hear. Happy Vault Hunting!


Is there something more you want to ask me about the game ? Leave it in the comments down below! I also wanna hear your review for Tales from the Borderlands! What did you think of the game ?


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